Puppy Session

I was super excited to photograph a charming French Bulldog puppy named Daisy recently. Daisy hadn’t had all her shots yet so we decided to do the session at home.


It being Fall, there was a beautiful pumpkin decorating the front porch and I just had to get a photo of Daisy posing next to it! #SoCuteItHurts

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Puppies can be a little high-energy! This photo gives you a sense for the chaos and silliness that can erupt during a puppy photo session.

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We made sure to get a photo of Daisy next to a stuffed animal. It’s always fun to get a photo of a young pet next to something that gives you a sense of scale – in a year or two you can take another photo to show how much your pet has grown.

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Unfortunately, one of Daisy’s mom’s arms was in the photo holding up the stuffed animal. Using the magic of Photoshop I was able to remove the arm and voila!

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Out in the backyard for some action shots. Here we used a cat toy, feathers on a string, to get Daisy to jump!

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Even Daisy’s butt is adorable!

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And finally a brief moment of calm from a typical whirlwind puppy photo session.

I was super psyched to get a 5 star review on Yelp from this session!

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If you’ve got a puppy I hope you now believe it is possible to get some good photos even if your puppy is high-energy, doesn’t know any commands and can’t be taken to a park yet.

But don’t wait, those puppy and kitten days are over before you know it. Email me at PipiDiamond@gmail.com to set up a time to talk and plan out a great session.

Pipi Diamond